Builtin cost functions ---------------------- POISE comes with a few, very basic, builtin cost functions. These largely mirror those that are in TopSpin's native ``popt`` screen. .. note:: Just like in ``popt``, it is possible to use the ``dpl`` command in TopSpin to select a *portion* of the spectrum to be optimised. This stores the left and right region of the currently active view to the parameters ``F1P`` and ``F2P`` respectively. This works for all the builtin cost functions except for ``noe_1d``. More generally, any cost function that uses any of the ``get1d`` or ``get2d`` functions will respect the bounds placed in ``F1P`` and ``F2P``. See `customcf` for a more in-depth explanation. ----------------- minabsint ========= Seeks to minimise the intensity of the magnitude-mode spectrum. The intensity is measured by integration of the entire spectral region, i.e. summation of every point. Note that this is different from the ``MAGMIN`` criterion in ``popt``, which (from what the Bruker documentation suggests) seeks to minimise the highest point in the magnitude-mode spectrum. maxabsint ========= Seeks to maximise the intensity of the magnitude-mode spectrum. minrealint ========== Seeks to minimise the intensity of the real spectrum (this is probably equivalent to ``INTMIN`` in ``popt``). Note that this does *not* behave in the same way as ``minabsint``. Because the real spectrum can have negative peaks, this essentially tries to maximise the intensity of negative peaks. maxrealint ========== Seeks to maximise the intensity of the real spectrum (equivalent to ``INTMAX``). zerorealint =========== Seeks to make the intensity of the real spectrum as close as possible to zero (equivalent to ``ZERO``). noe_1d ====== Seeks to minimise the intensity of the spectrum, *except* for a region of 50 Hz centred on the parameter ``SPOFFS2`` (which corresponds to the frequency of the selective pulse). Since NOE crosspeaks are typically negative (and ``apk`` typically phases them to be so), this essentially seeks to maximise the intensity of the crosspeaks. Please see the POISE paper for example usage. epsi_gradient_drift =================== Performs EPSI processing on a 1D FID, and seeks to minimise the 'drift' seen in the echo positions. This is only valid when the echo locations are *supposed* to be constant, e.g. when there is no indirect-dimension evolution period (otherwise, echoes will be observed at indirect-dimension frequencies). This is to be used for optimising the positive/negative gradient balance in EPSI acquisitions. Please see the POISE paper for example usage.