

Bugs can be created if xepr_link does not allow for enough time to let Xepr compile.

Increase the compilation time of the .exp, .def and .shp files (1s by default) with the global variable COMPILATION_TIME from

xepr_link.COMPILATION_TIME = 2  # (s)

xepr = xepr_link.load_xepr()

# .exp and .def files location
location = '/home/xuser/xeprFiles/Data/'
exp_f = location + '2pflip.exp'
def_f = location + '2pflip.def'

# optimisation of pulse length and amplitude
xbest, fbest, message = optimise(xepr,
                                 pars=["p0", "Attenuation"],
                                 init=[8, 5],
                                 lb=[2, 0],
                                 ub=[36, 10],
                                 tol=[2, 0.5],

# run experiment with optimal parameters
xepr_link.run2getdata_exp(xepr, "Signal", exp_f)

If the files are compiling fast enough, decrease COMPILATION_TIME to accelerate the optimisation routine.

fast .def file modification

ESR-POISE does not use the function modif_def_PlsSPELGlbTxt() from despite its ability to modify the .def file variables without referring to the .def file location.

While this function would save a couple of seconds per iteration, it can cause a freeze of the .def file modification, forcing the user to manually interrupt its script:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in <module>
    xepr_link.modif_def(xepr, ['p0'], ['8'])
  File "/home/xuser/xeprFiles/Data/Organic/JB/220511/esrpoise-dev/esrpoise/", line 190, in modif_def
    currentExp["ftEPR.PlsSPELSetVar"].value = cmdStr
  File "/home/xuser/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/XeprAPI/", line 1195, in __getitem__
    return Parameter(self, name)
  File "/home/xuser/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/XeprAPI/", line 1243, in __init__
    self._name = self._parent.findParam(name, findall=True)
  File "/home/xuser/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/XeprAPI/", line 1139, in findParam
    for par in self.getFuParList(fu):
  File "/home/xuser/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/XeprAPI/", line 1096, in getFuParList
    self.aqGetExpFuParList(fu, buf, 10000)
  File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda>
  File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda>
  File "/home/xuser/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/XeprAPI/", line 510, in _callXeprfunc
    if self._API.XeprCallFunction(funcidx) != 0:

This bug was observed and reproduced after a few hundred to a few thousand calls to modif_def_PlsSPELGlbTxt().

Shape loading

If a bug with shape loading is encountered after a certain number of iterations (typically 114 on older versions of Xepr), it should be solved by reseting Xepr to avoid AWG overloading. Use the following lines in your callback function (requires to import acquire_esr from esrpoise):

if acquire_esr.calls % 114 == 0 and acquire_esr.calls != 0:
    print('reset required')