Source code for nmrespy.sig

# Simon Hulse
# Last Edited: Wed 17 May 2023 14:16:17 BST

"""A module for manipulating and processing NMR signals."""

import copy
import re
import tkinter as tk
from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union

from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift, ifft, ifftshift
import numpy.random as nrandom
import pybaselines

from nmrespy._sanity import sanity_check, funcs as sfuncs

[docs] def make_virtual_echo( data: np.ndarray, twodim_dtype: Optional[str] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Generate a virtual echo [#]_ from a time-domain signal. A vitrual echo is a signal with a purely real Fourier-Tranform. Parameters ---------- data The data to construct the virtual echo from. If the data comprises a pair of amplitude/phase modulated signals, these should be stored in a single 3D array with ``shape[0] == 2``, such that ``data[0]`` is the cos/p signal, and ``data[1]`` is the sin/n signal. twodim_dtype If the data is 2D, this parameter specifies the way to process the data. Allowed options are: * ``"hyper"``: The data is hypercomplex. Virtual echo is constructed along the second axis. * ``"amp"``: The data comprises an amplitude-modulated pair. * ``"phase"``: The data comprises a phase-modulated pair. References ---------- .. [#] M. Mayzel, K. Kazimierczuk, V. Y. Orekhov, The causality principle in the reconstruction of sparse nmr spectra, Chem. Commun. 50 (64) (2014) 8947–8950. """ sanity_check(("data", data, sfuncs.check_ndarray)) if data.ndim == 2: sanity_check( ("twodim_dtype", twodim_dtype, sfuncs.check_one_of, ("hyper",)) ) elif data.ndim == 3: sanity_check( ("twodim_dtype", twodim_dtype, sfuncs.check_one_of, ("amp", "phase")), ("data", data, sfuncs.check_ndarray, (), {"shape": [(0, 2)]}), ) if data.ndim == 1: pts = data.size tmp1, tmp2 = [np.zeros((2 * data.size,), dtype="complex") for _ in range(2)] tmp1[: pts] = data tmp2[pts :] = data[::-1].conj() tmp2 = np.roll(tmp2, 1, axis=0) ve = tmp1 + tmp2 ve[0] /= 2. return ve if twodim_dtype == "hyper": pts = data.shape tmp1, tmp2 = [np.zeros((pts[0], 2 * pts[1]), dtype="complex") for _ in range(2)] tmp1[:, : pts[1]] = data tmp2[:, pts[1] :] = data[:, ::-1].conj() tmp2 = np.roll(tmp2, 1, axis=1) ve = tmp1 + tmp2 ve[:, 0] /= 2 return ve if twodim_dtype in ("amp", "phase"): if twodim_dtype == "amp": cos = data[0] sin = data[1] elif twodim_dtype == "phase": cos = (data[0] + data[1]) / 2. sin = (data[0] - data[1]) / 2.j # S±± = (R₁ ± iI₁)(R₂ ± iI₂) # where: Re(cos) -> R₁R₂, Im(cos) -> R₁I₂, Re(sin) -> I₁R₂, Im(sin) -> I₁I₂ r1r2 = np.real(cos) r1i2 = np.imag(cos) i1r2 = np.real(sin) i1i2 = np.imag(sin) # S++ = R₁R₂ - I₁I₂ + i(R₁I₂ + I₁R₂) pp = r1r2 - i1i2 + 1j * (r1i2 + i1r2) # S+- = R₁R₂ + I₁I₂ + i(I₁R₂ - R₁I₂) pm = r1r2 + i1i2 + 1j * (i1r2 - r1i2) # S-+ = R₁R₂ + I₁I₂ + i(R₁I₂ - I₁R₂) mp = r1r2 + i1i2 + 1j * (r1i2 - i1r2) # S-- = R₁R₂ - I₁I₂ - i(R₁I₂ + I₁R₂) mm = r1r2 - i1i2 - 1j * (r1i2 + i1r2) pts = cos.shape ve_pts = tuple(2 * x for x in pts) tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4 = [np.zeros(ve_pts, dtype="complex") for _ in range(4)] tmp1[: pts[0], : pts[1]] = pp tmp2[: pts[0], pts[1] :] = pm[:, ::-1] tmp2 = np.roll(tmp2, 1, axis=1) tmp3[pts[0] :, : pts[1]] = mp[::-1] tmp3 = np.roll(tmp3, 1, axis=0) tmp4[pts[0] :, pts[1] :] = mm[::-1, ::-1] tmp4 = np.roll(tmp4, 1, axis=(0, 1)) ve = tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4 ve[0, :] /= 2. ve[:, 0] /= 2. ve /= 2 return ve
[docs] def zf(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Zero-fill data to the next power of 2 in each dimension. Parameters ---------- data Signal to zero-fill. """ zf_data = copy.deepcopy(data) for i, n in enumerate(zf_data.shape): nearest_pow_2 = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(n))) if n & (n - 1) == 0: nearest_pow_2 *= 2 pts_to_append = nearest_pow_2 - n shape_to_add = list(zf_data.shape) shape_to_add[i] = pts_to_append zeros = np.zeros(shape_to_add, dtype="complex") zf_data = np.concatenate((zf_data, zeros), axis=i) return zf_data
[docs] def exp_apodisation( fid: np.ndarray, k: float, axes: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Apply exponential apodisation to an FID. The FID is multiplied by ``np.exp(-k * np.linspace(0, 1, n))`` in each dimension specified by ``axes``, where ``n`` is the size of each dimension. Parameters ---------- fid FID to process. k Line-broadening factor. axes The axes to apply the apodiisation over. If ``None``, all axes are apodised. """ sanity_check( ("fid", fid, sfuncs.check_ndarray), ("k", k, sfuncs.check_float, (), {"greater_than_zero": True}), ) dim = fid.ndim sanity_check(_axes_check(axes, dim)) axes = _process_axes(axes, dim) indices = [chr(i) for i in range(105, 105 + dim)] index_notation = ",".join(indices) + "->" + "".join(indices) return fid * np.einsum( index_notation, *[np.exp(-k * np.linspace(0, 1, n)) if i in axes else np.ones(n) for i, n in enumerate(fid.shape)], )
[docs] def sinebell_apodisation( fid: np.ndarray, axes: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Apply sine-bell apodisation to an FID. The FID is multiplied by ``np.exp(-k * np.linspace(0, 1, n))`` in each dimension specified by ``axes``, where ``n`` is the size of each dimension. .. warning:: This is not intended for manipulating the FID prior to estimation. Parameters ---------- fid FID to process. axes The axes to apply the apodiisation over. If ``None``, all axes are apodised. """ sanity_check( ("fid", fid, sfuncs.check_ndarray), ) dim = fid.ndim sanity_check(_axes_check(axes, dim)) axes = _process_axes(axes, dim) indices = [chr(i) for i in range(105, 105 + dim)] index_notation = ",".join(indices) + "->" + "".join(indices) return fid * np.einsum( index_notation, *[np.sin(np.pi * np.linspace(0, 1, n)) if i in axes else np.ones(n) for i, n in enumerate(fid.shape)], )
[docs] def ft( fid: np.ndarray, axes: Optional[Union[Iterable[int], int]] = None, flip: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """Fourier transformation with optional spectrum flipping. It is conventional in NMR to plot spectra from high to low going left to right/down to up. This function utilises the `numpy.fft <>`_ module. Parameters ---------- fid Time-domain data. axes The axes to apply Fourier Transformation to. By default (``None``), FT is applied to all axes. If an int, FT will only be applied to the relevant axis. If a list of ints, FT will be applied to this subset of axes. flip Whether or not to flip the Fourier Transform of `fid` in each dimension. """ sanity_check( ("fid", fid, sfuncs.check_ndarray), ("flip", flip, sfuncs.check_bool), ) dim = fid.ndim sanity_check(_axes_check(axes, dim)) axes = _process_axes(axes, dim) spectrum = copy.deepcopy(fid) for axis in axes: spectrum = fftshift(fft(spectrum, axis=axis), axes=axis) return spectrum if not flip else np.flip(spectrum, axis=axes)
[docs] def ift( spectrum: np.ndarray, axes: Optional[Union[Iterable[int], int]] = None, flip: bool = True ) -> np.ndarray: """Inverse Fourier Transform a spectrum. This function utilises the `numpy.fft <>`_ module. Parameters ---------- spectrum : numpy.ndarray Spectrum axes The axes to apply IFT to. By default (``None``), IFT is applied to all axes. If an int, IFT will only be applied to the relevant axis. If a list of ints, IFT will be applied to this subset of axes. flip : bool, default: True Whether or not to flip ``spectrum`` in each dimension prior to Inverse Fourier Transform. """ sanity_check( ("spectrum", spectrum, sfuncs.check_ndarray), ("flip", flip, sfuncs.check_bool), ) dim = spectrum.ndim sanity_check(_axes_check(axes, dim)) axes = _process_axes(axes, dim) fid = copy.deepcopy(spectrum) fid = np.flip(fid, axis=axes) if flip else fid for axis in axes: fid = ifft(ifftshift(fid, axes=axis), axis=axis) return fid
[docs] def proc_amp_modulated(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Generate a frequency-discrimiated signal from amplitude-modulated 2D FIDs. Parameters ---------- data cos-modulated signal and sin-modulated signal, stored in a 3D numpy array, such that ``data[0]`` is the the cos signal and ``data[1]`` is the sin signal. Returns ------- spectrum: np.ndarray Frequency-discrimiated spectrum. """ sanity_check( ("data", data, sfuncs.check_ndarray, (), {"dim": 3, "shape": [(0, 2)]}), ) data[:, 0, 0] *= 0.5 cos_t1_f2, sin_t1_f2 = [ft(x, axes=1).real for x in (data[0], data[1])] return ft(cos_t1_f2 + 1j * sin_t1_f2, axes=0)
[docs] def proc_phase_modulated(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Process phase modulated 2D FIDs. This function generates the set of spectra corresponding to the processing protocol outlined in [#]_. Parameters ---------- data P-type signal and N-type signal, stored in a 3D numpy array, such that ``data[0]`` is the the P signal and ``data[1]`` is the N signal. Returns ------- spectra 3D array with ``spectra.shape[0] == 4``. The sub-arrays in axis 0 correspond to the following signals: * ``spectra[0]``: RR * ``spectra[1]``: RI * ``spectra[2]``: IR * ``spectra[3]``: II References ---------- .. [#] A. L. Davis, J. Keeler, E. D. Laue, and D. Moskau, “Experiments for recording pure-absorption heteronuclear correlation spectra using pulsed field gradients,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969), vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 207–216, 1992. """ sanity_check( ("data", data, sfuncs.check_ndarray, (), {"dim": 3, "shape": [(0, 2)]}), ) data[:, 0, 0] *= 0.5 p_t1_f2, n_t1_f2 = [ft(x, axes=1) for x in (data[0], data[1])] spectra = np.zeros((4, *data.shape[1:])) # Generating RR and IR plus_f1_f2 = ft(0.5 * (p_t1_f2 + n_t1_f2.conj()), axes=0) # S⁺(f₁,f₂) spectra[0], spectra[2] = plus_f1_f2.real, plus_f1_f2.imag # Generating RI and II minus_f1_f2 = ft(-0.5j * (p_t1_f2 - n_t1_f2.conj()), axes=0) # S⁻(f₁,f₂) spectra[1], spectra[3] = minus_f1_f2.real, minus_f1_f2.imag return spectra
[docs] def phase( data: np.ndarray, p0: Iterable[float], p1: Iterable[float], pivot: Optional[Iterable[Union[float, int]]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Apply a linear phase correction to a signal. Parameters ---------- data Data to be phased. p0 Zero-order phase correction in each dimension, in radians. p1 First-order phase correction in each dimension, in radians. pivot Index of the pivot in each dimension. If ``None``, the pivot will be ``0`` in each dimension. """ sanity_check(("data", data, sfuncs.check_ndarray)) dim = data.ndim sanity_check( ("p0", p0, sfuncs.check_float_list, (), {"length": dim}), ("p1", p1, sfuncs.check_float_list, (), {"length": dim}), ) if pivot is None: pivot = dim * [0] # Indices for einsum... For 1D: 'i', For 2D: 'ij' idx = "".join([chr(i + 105) for i in range(dim)]) for axis, (piv, p0_, p1_) in enumerate(zip(pivot, p0, p1)): n = data.shape[axis] # Determine axis for einsum (i or j) axis = chr(axis + 105) p = np.exp(1j * (p0_ + p1_ * np.arange(-piv, -piv + n) / n)) phased_data = np.einsum(f"{idx},{axis}->{idx}", data, p) return phased_data
[docs] def manual_phase_data( spectrum: np.ndarray, max_p1: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[Iterable[float]], Optional[Iterable[float]]]: """Manual phase correction using a Graphical User Interface. .. note:: Only 1D spectral data is currently supported. Parameters ---------- spectrum Spectral data of interest. max_p1 Specifies the range of first-order phases permitted. Bounds are set as ``[-max_p1, max_p1]``. Returns ------- p0 Zero-order phase correction in each dimension, in radians. If the user chooses to cancel rather than save, this is set to ``None``. p1 First-order phase correction in each dimension, in radians. If the user chooses to cancel rather than save, this is set to ``None``. """ sanity_check(("spectrum", spectrum, sfuncs.check_ndarray, (), {"dim": 1})) dim = spectrum.ndim sanity_check( ( "max_p1", max_p1, sfuncs.check_float_list, (), { "length": dim, "len_one_can_be_listless": True, "must_be_positive": True, }, True, ) ) if isinstance(max_p1, float): max_p1 = (max_p1,) if max_p1 is None: max_p1 = tuple(dim * [10 * np.pi]) init_spectrum = copy.deepcopy(spectrum) app = PhaseApp(init_spectrum, max_p1) app.mainloop() return (app.p0,), (app.p1,)
class PhaseApp(tk.Tk): """Tkinter application for manual phase correction. Notes ----- This is invoked when :py:func:`manual_phase_data` is called. """ def __init__(self, spectrum: np.ndarray, max_p1: Iterable[float]) -> None: """Construct the GUI. Parameters ---------- spectrum Spectral data of interest. max_p1 Specifies the range of first-order phases permitted. Bounds are set as ``[-max_p1, max_p1]`` in each dimension. """ super().__init__() self.p0 = 0.0 self.p1 = 0.0 self.n = spectrum.size self.pivot = 0 self.init_spectrum = copy.deepcopy(spectrum) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.fig = Figure(figsize=(6, 4), dpi=160) # Set colour of figure frame r, g, b = [x >> 8 for x in self.winfo_rgb(self.cget("bg"))] color = f"#{r:02x}{g:02x}{b:02x}" if not re.match(r"^#[0-9a-f]{6}$", color): color = "#d9d9d9" self.fig.patch.set_facecolor(color) = self.fig.add_axes([0.03, 0.1, 0.94, 0.87])[]) self.specline =, color="k")[0] ylim = mx = max( np.amax(np.real(spectrum)), np.abs(np.amin(np.real(spectrum))), ) self.pivotline = 2 * [self.pivot], [-10 * mx, 10 * mx], color="r", )[0] self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fig, master=self) self.canvas.draw() self.canvas.get_tk_widget().grid( row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky="nsew", ) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar2Tk( self.canvas, self, pack_toolbar=False, ) self.toolbar.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=(0, 10), sticky="w") self.scale_frame = tk.Frame(self) self.scale_frame.grid( row=2, column=0, padx=10, pady=(0, 10), sticky="nsew", ) self.scale_frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.scale_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) items = [ (self.pivot, self.p0, self.p1), ("pivot", "p0", "p1"), (0, -np.pi, -max_p1[0]), (self.n, np.pi, max_p1[0]), ] for i, (init, name, mn, mx) in enumerate(zip(*items)): lab = tk.Label(self.scale_frame, text=name) pady = (0, 10) if i != 2 else 0 lab.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky="w", padx=(0, 5), pady=pady) self.__dict__[f"{name}_scale"] = scale = tk.Scale( self.scale_frame, from_=mn, to=mx, resolution=0.001, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, showvalue=0, sliderlength=15, bd=0, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="black", relief="flat", command=lambda value, name=name: self.update_phase(name), ) scale.set(init) scale.grid(row=i, column=1, sticky="ew", pady=pady) self.__dict__[f"{name}_label"] = label = tk.Label( self.scale_frame, text=f"{self.__dict__[f'{name}']:.3f}" if i != 0 else str(self.__dict__[f"{name}"]), ) label.grid(row=i, column=2, padx=5, pady=pady, sticky="w") self.button_frame = tk.Frame(self) self.button_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.button_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky="ew") self.save_button = tk.Button( self.button_frame, width=8, highlightbackground="black", text="Save", bg="#77dd77",, ) self.save_button.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="e") self.cancel_button = tk.Button( self.button_frame, width=8, highlightbackground="black", text="Cancel", bg="#ff5566", command=self.cancel, ) self.cancel_button.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="e", padx=(10, 0)) def update_phase(self, name: str) -> None: """Command run whenever a parameter is altered. Parameters ---------- name Name of quantity that was adjusted. One of ``'p0'``, ``'p1'``, and ``'pivot'``. """ value = self.__dict__[f"{name}_scale"].get() if name == "pivot": self.pivot = int(value) self.pivot_label["text"] = str(self.pivot) self.pivotline.set_xdata([self.pivot, self.pivot]) else: self.__dict__[name] = float(value) self.__dict__[f"{name}_label"]["text"] = f"{self.__dict__[name]:.3f}" spectrum = phase( self.init_spectrum, [self.p0], [self.p1], [self.pivot], ) self.specline.set_ydata(np.real(spectrum)) self.canvas.draw_idle() def save(self) -> None: """Kill the application and update p0 based on pivot and p1.""" self.p0 = self.p0 - self.p1 * (self.pivot / self.n) self.destroy() def cancel(self) -> None: """Kill the application and set phases to None.""" self.p0 = None self.p1 = None self.destroy()
[docs] def add_noise(fid: np.ndarray, snr: float, decibels: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """Add Gaussian white noise noise to an FID. Parameters ---------- fid Noiseless FID. snr The signal-to-noise ratio. The smaller this value, the greater the variance of the noise. decibels If `True`, the snr is taken to be in units of decibels. If `False`, it is taken to be simply the ratio of the singal power and noise power. See also -------- :py:func:`make_noise` """ sanity_check( ("fid", fid, sfuncs.check_ndarray), ("snr", snr, sfuncs.check_float), ("decibels", decibels, sfuncs.check_bool), ) return fid + make_noise(fid, snr, decibels)
[docs] def make_noise(fid: np.ndarray, snr: float, decibels: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: r"""Generate an array of white Guassian complex noise. The noise will be created with zero mean and a variance that abides by the desired SNR, in accordance with the FID provided. Parameters ---------- fid Noiseless FID. snr The signal-to-noise ratio. decibels If `True`, the snr is taken to be in units of decibels. If `False`, it is taken to be simply the ratio of the singal power and noise power. Returns ------- noise Notes ----- Noise variance is given by: .. math:: \rho = \frac{\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \left(x_n - \mu_x\right)^2} {N \cdot 20 \log_10 \left(\mathrm{SNR}_{\mathrm{dB}}\right)} See also -------- :py:func:`add_noise` """ sanity_check( ("fid", fid, sfuncs.check_ndarray), ("snr", snr, sfuncs.check_float), ("decibels", decibels, sfuncs.check_bool), ) # Compute the variance of the noise if decibels: snr = 10 ** (snr / 20) std = np.std(np.abs(fid)) / snr # Make a number of noise instances and check which two are closest # to the desired stdev. # These two are then taken as the real and imaginary noise components instances = [] std_discrepancies = [] for _ in range(100): instance = nrandom.normal(loc=0, scale=std, size=fid.shape) instances.append(instance) std_discrepancies.append(np.std(np.abs(instance)) - std) # Determine which instance's stdev is the closest to the desired # variance first, second, *_ = np.argpartition(std_discrepancies, 1) # The noise is constructed from the two closest arrays # to the desired SNR return instances[first] + 1j * instances[second]
[docs] def convdta(data: np.ndarray, grpdly: float) -> np.ndarray: """Remove the digital filter from time-domain Bruker data. This function is inspired by `nmrglue.fileio.bruker.rm_dig_filter <\ nmrglue.fileio.bruker.rm_dig_filter.html?highlight=rm_dig_filter#\ nmrglue.fileio.bruker.rm_dig_filter>`_. Parameters ---------- data Time-domain data to process. grpdly Group delay. """ phase = int(np.floor(grpdly)) to_rm = phase + 2 to_add = max(to_rm - 6, 0) # Frequency shift by FT shape = data.shape[-1] pdata = ft(ift(data) * np.exp(2j * np.pi * phase * np.arange(shape) / shape)) pdata[..., :to_add] += pdata[..., :-(to_add + 1) : -1] pdata = pdata[..., :-to_rm] return pdata
[docs] def baseline_correction( spectrum: np.ndarray, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, min_length: int = 50, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, dict]: """Apply baseline correction to a 1D dataset. The algorithm applied is desribed in [#]_. This uses an implementation provided by `pybaselines <\ pybaselines.api.Baseline.fabc>`_. Parameters ---------- spectrum Spectrum to apply baseline correction to. mask Should be either: * ``None``: the points which comprise noise are predicted automatically * A boolean array with the same size as ``spectrum``. - ``True`` indicates that a particular point comprises baseline. - ``False`` indicates that a point comprises a peak. min_length *from pybaselines:* Any region of consecutive baseline points less than ``min_length`` is considered to be a false positive and all points in the region are converted to peak points. A higher `min_length` ensures less points are falsely assigned as baseline points. Returns ------- fixed_spectrum The baseline-corrected spectrum. params A dictionary with the items: * ``"mask"`` A boolean array designating baseline points as ``True`` and peak points as ``False``. * ``"baseline"`` The computed baseline. Note that ``fixed_spectrum`` is computed via ``spectrum - baseline``. References ---------- .. [#] Cobas, J., et al. A new general-purpose fully automatic baseline-correction procedure for 1D and 2D NMR data. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2006, 183(1), 145-151. """ sanity_check(("spectrum", spectrum, sfuncs.check_ndarray, (), {"dim": 1})) sanity_check( ( "min_length", min_length, sfuncs.check_int, {"min_value": 1, "max_value": spectrum.size}, ), ( "mask", mask, sfuncs.check_ndarray, (), {"dim": 1, "shape": ((0, spectrum.size),)}, True, ), ) baseline, params = pybaselines.classification.fabc( spectrum, min_length=min_length, weights=mask, ) fixed_spectrum = spectrum - baseline del params["weights"] params["baseline"] = baseline return fixed_spectrum, params
def _axes_check(axes: Any, dim: int): return ( "axes", axes, sfuncs.check_int_list, (), { "len_one_can_be_listless": True, "min_value": -dim, "max_value": dim - 1, }, True, ) def _process_axes(axes: Optional[Iterable[int]], dim: int) -> Iterable[int]: if axes is None: return list(range(dim)) elif isinstance(axes, int): return [axes % dim] else: return [axis % dim for axis in axes]